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Share • LinkedIn • Facebook • Twitter 1 Prophet Makandiwa has travelled the rough and tumble of life into full ministry maturity and global prominence. The towering figure of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa resonates in spiritual dimensions with his phenomenal prophetic ministry and stupendous impact, which compel global attention.
As the founder of the United Family International Church (UFIC) his authentic prophetic voice calls to order leadership in politics, business and the church. In his home country, Zimbabwe, Prophet Makandiwa’s thriving ministry and social influence attract awe and a never-ending thirst for God. The precision of his prophetic pronouncements has earned him widespread local and international acceptance and reverence as a true man of God. Notable miracles, signs and wonders are everyday occurrences at his meetings. United Family International Church (UFIC) has over 70,000 adult and youth attendees every week. The ministry owns a free-to-air television channel called Christ TV which is aired in most parts of Africa.
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Prophet Makandiwa’s personal and ministry life have been influenced to a large extent through his association with his spiritual father, Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng of Ghana. Prophet Makandiwa also looks after nearly 2,000 orphans, 300-plus widows and he constantly donates to people in need. He is married to Ruth Makandiwa and they are blessed with five wonderful children. Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa submits to Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng; Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng— General Overseer, Power Chapel Worldwide Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng is a true reflection of the scripture “God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise”. He is the Founder and General Overseer of Power Chapel Worldwide headquartered in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. An authentic and renowned Prophet of God who draws the presence of God through worship. Having held this conviction of the voice of God being more powerful than the good intentions of man, Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng has risen from a school dropout, society reject, sleeping in uncompleted buildings to classrooms, into being a prominent father to the fatherless, counselor to Presidents and an encourager to the downtrodden.
Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng has travelled extensively throughout the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Asia, Canada and Africa, preaching the word of God and building the Body of Christ with his down-to-earth message of hope, deliverance and love. He has received numerous awards and recognition from institutions such as the US House of Congress, the State of Texas and The Central Destitute Infirmary. He has authored books like Blood for Blood, Wisdom Capsules for Survival, Manasseh before Ephraim and more to come.