Download Napa Ship Design Software Software
Napa Ltd is an independent software house that develops and markets systems and services for the design and operation of ships and offshore structures. Oct 6, 2015 - When the cleaning process occurs, all of the folders and files sitting on the NAPA SHIP DESIGN SOFTWARE FREE DOWNLOAD are placed.
Ship Hull Design Design ships with better flows! Enables you to build robust parametric ship models with smarter shape control. It is the leading software solution for naval architects that are interested in CFD-based hull optimization – to create better flows around their designed vessels. The focus of CAESES ® is on the underwater part of the ship: Create a variable hull model, connect your CFD and run studies. Finally pick an optimized hull shape that outperforms similar ships in the market. Massively Save Costs and Resources Why using CAESES ®? Consider a 14.000 TEU container vessel that runs with IFO380 fuel: By optimizing the vessel’s hull form with CAESES ® to gain a 4-5% improved efficiency, the ship operator can save more than 1.000.000$ of fuel costs – per year!
At the same time, this helps saving our planet by massively reducing NO x, SO x. CAESES ® beneficiaries can save more than 1.000.000$ of fuel costs – pear year! Create Smarter Variable Models from Scratch So how to start with the vessel optimization? First, set up a smart variable geometry while at the same time you build-in all your design constraints (displacement, center of buoyancy, hard points etc.). Save time by only generating feasible designs – manually or fully automated by using the intuitive variant management system of CAESES ®. Optimization of ship geometries including hydrostatic calculations for each design Leverage your Flow Analysis Tools CAESES ® closely integrates with your CFD and CAE analysis tools – no matter which CAE package you use. There is also an add-on for the CFD code, the industry standard for shipbuilding.
Connect typical analyses to your CAESES ® model such as ship hull hydrodynamics, wave resistance, and wake field analyses, involve motion analyses of vessels and platforms with seakeeping codes, as well as propeller performance with CFD. Quick generation of a closed flow domain from imported IGES files Template Models As a new development (still in a beta phase), CAESES ® hull design setups can be fully wrapped into an easy-to-use interface, including meshing, CFD analysis and even optimization runs. Based on the tools that you use in your company.
Just change the hull’s main dimensions and other project-specific key parameters and let CAESES ® do the number-crunching job of finding the optimal design candidate. That demonstrates how templates can be used from within a browser (see also the blog post about the ). Easy-to-use template models that include geometry generation, CFD and even optimization Propeller Design CAESES ® allows you to create any type of marine propeller blades.
It generally focuses on the advanced design of highly customized and optimized propellers. Point data can be automatically imported and interpolated or parameterized, and complex Excel sheets can be accessed or even completely transferred to the CAESES ® environment. CAESES ® comes with a set of NACA profiles, but sections can also be defined by yourself using the CAESES ®. There are also complete parametric propeller setups based on standard series (e.g.
The service will launch on November 21 in ten cities: New York, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Mexico City, Nashville, Singapore, Stockholm, and Sydney. Bileti po ustrojstvu traktora kategorii a belarusj 2.
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